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HPE 4 Year Tech Care Essential OneView with iLo Service
HPE Tech Care Service is the operational support service for HPE hardware and software products (including on-premises and as-a-service versions). HPE Tech Care Service can help IT teams focus on moving the business forward by proactively searching for better ways to do things, as opposed to just focusing on reactive issues.
HPE Tech Care Service enables direct access to product-specific specialists and provides general technical guidance to help Customers not only reduce risk but also find ways to do things more efficiently. HPE Tech Care Service Customers can access support through multiple channels that include telephone, a real-time chat facility, automated incident logging, and HPE moderated forums with defined response times. Customers gain access to expert technical resources with specialized knowledge in hardware and/or software within the context of the specific workload and can help the Customer avoid spending time answering triage or entitlement questions.
HPE Tech Care Service goes beyond traditional support by offering General Technical Guidance for the operation, management, and security of the supported product.
In addition to traditional technical support, HPE Tech Care Service includes access to the HPE service portal, an enhanced and personalized digital experience that provides actionable data about HPE products, service cases and support contracts covered under the HPE Tech Care Service. Customers can more easily manage their assets by recognizing the various products installed in the Customer’s environment and how these products interact with each other. New self-service tools allow Customers to perform certain activities without having to open a support incident, as well as providing a portal of curated knowledge resources. HPE Tech Care Service provides access to HPE resources who will help drive operational excellence and performance optimization from edge to cloud.
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Maximieren Sie Ihr HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only
License-to-use software updates
Customers receive the license-to-use software updates to HPE or HPE supported third-party software for each system, socket, processor, processor core, or end-user software license covered by this service, as allowed by the original HPE or original manufacturer software license terms.
The license terms shall be as described in the HPE software licensing terms corresponding to the prerequisite underlying software license, or in accordance with the current licensing terms of the third-party software manufacturer, if applicable.
Distribution of certain third-party software updates, license agreements, and license keys may be made directly from the third-party vendor to Customers, as applicable.
Installation advisory support
Limited installation advisory support is provided and is restricted to basic advisory assistance if Customer encounters difficulties while performing a software product installation or advice on proper installation methods and updating of stand-alone applications.
Complex questions that require detailed responses may be elevated to support incidents on an as-needed basis. Expert online chat is limited to English language only and available during the service coverage window.
The scope of such advisory support is at HPE’s discretion. Exclusions to this advisory support include, but are not limited to, the following: Any downloading of complete software packages or walking through an installation from start to finish.
These services are available for an additional charge and can be purchased separately from HPE.
Software support
For software products covered by the service agreement, HPE provides corrective support to resolve identifiable and Customer-reproducible software product problems, supports to help them identify problems that are difficult to reproduce.
Also provides assistance in troubleshooting problems and determining configuration parameters for supported configurations.
Software features and operational support & Software product and documentation updates
Software features and operational support: HPE provides information, as commercially available, on current HPE product features, known problems and available solutions, and operational advice and assistance.
Software product and documentation updates: As HPE releases updates to HPE software, the latest revisions of the software and reference manuals are made available to the Customer.
For selected third-party software, HPE provides software updates, as such updates are made available from the third-party, or HPE may provide instructions on how Customer can obtain any software updates directly from the third-party.
A license key or access code, or instructions for obtaining a license key or access code, will also be provided to the Customer when required to download, install, or run the latest software revision.
Most HPE software and selected HPE supported third-party software, updates will be made available through the Software Updates and Licensing portal via the HPE service portal. The portal provides Customers with electronic access to receive and proactively manage software updates and documentation.
License-to-use software updates-
Customers receive the license-to-use software updates to HPE or HPE supported third-party software for each system, socket, processor, processor core, or end-user software license covered by this service, as allowed by the original HPE or original manufacturer software license terms.
Mehr anzeigen{"title":"License-to-use software updates","keyList":["Customers receive the license-to-use software updates to HPE or HPE supported third-party software for each system, socket, processor, processor core, or end-user software license covered by this service, as allowed by the original HPE or original manufacturer software license terms.","The license terms shall be as described in the HPE software licensing terms corresponding to the prerequisite underlying software license, or in accordance with the current licensing terms of the third-party software manufacturer, if applicable.","Distribution of certain third-party software updates, license agreements, and license keys may be made directly from the third-party vendor to Customers, as applicable."]}
Installation advisory support+
Limited installation advisory support is provided and is restricted to basic advisory assistance if Customer encounters difficulties while performing a software product installation or advice on proper installation methods and updating of stand-alone applications.
Mehr anzeigen{"title":"Installation advisory support","keyList":["Limited installation advisory support is provided and is restricted to basic advisory assistance if Customer encounters difficulties while performing a software product installation or advice on proper installation methods and updating of stand-alone applications.","Complex questions that require detailed responses may be elevated to support incidents on an as-needed basis. Expert online chat is limited to English language only and available during the service coverage window.","The scope of such advisory support is at HPE’s discretion. Exclusions to this advisory support include, but are not limited to, the following: Any downloading of complete software packages or walking through an installation from start to finish.","These services are available for an additional charge and can be purchased separately from HPE."]}
Software support+
For software products covered by the service agreement, HPE provides corrective support to resolve identifiable and Customer-reproducible software product problems, supports to help them identify problems that are difficult to reproduce.
Mehr anzeigen{"title":"Software support","keyList":["For software products covered by the service agreement, HPE provides corrective support to resolve identifiable and Customer-reproducible software product problems, supports to help them identify problems that are difficult to reproduce.","Also provides assistance in troubleshooting problems and determining configuration parameters for supported configurations."]}
Software features and operational support & Software product and documentation updates+
Software features and operational support: HPE provides information, as commercially available, on current HPE product features, known problems and available solutions, and operational advice and assistance.
Mehr anzeigen{"title":"Software features and operational support & Software product and documentation updates","keyList":["Software features and operational support: HPE provides information, as commercially available, on current HPE product features, known problems and available solutions, and operational advice and assistance.","Software product and documentation updates: As HPE releases updates to HPE software, the latest revisions of the software and reference manuals are made available to the Customer.","For selected third-party software, HPE provides software updates, as such updates are made available from the third-party, or HPE may provide instructions on how Customer can obtain any software updates directly from the third-party.","A license key or access code, or instructions for obtaining a license key or access code, will also be provided to the Customer when required to download, install, or run the latest software revision.","Most HPE software and selected HPE supported third-party software, updates will be made available through the Software Updates and Licensing portal via the HPE service portal. The portal provides Customers with electronic access to receive and proactively manage software updates and documentation."]}
{"baseProduct":{"productID":"HW3M8E","productName":"HPE 4 Year Tech Care Essential OneView with iLo Service"},"navigationList":["Services und Support","Technologieservices","Software Support Service","HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only","HPE 4 Year Tech Care Essential OneView with iLo Service"],"cartDetail":{},"productInfo":[{"productInfo":{"quantity":"1","productID":"HW3M8E","productName":"HPE 4 Year Tech Care Essential OneView with iLo Service"}}]}
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* Alle angezeigten Preise sind Richtpreise, der Fachhändler legt den endgültigen Transaktionspreis fest und kann weitere Gebühren wie Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten berücksichtigen. Der vom Fachhändler festgelegte Transaktionspreis kann von dem anderer Fachhändler und dem angezeigten Richtpreis abweichen. Die Richtpreise können zeitlich begrenzte Sonderangebote enthalten. HPE behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit Preisanpassungen vorzunehmen, u. a. aufgrund von sich ändernden Marktbedingungen, der Einstellung von Produkten, eingeschränkter Produktverfügbarkeit, dem Ende der Lebensdauer von Werbeaktionen und Fehlern in der Werbung.
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