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Do you need to accelerate the performance of your read intensive applications?
HPE 12 Gb Value SAS Read Intensive (RI) SSDs optimize your enterprise with faster data transfer rates and near price parity compared to enterprise 6 Gb SATA SSDs. HPE Value SAS RI SSDs deliver enterprise features at an affordable price for applications requiring high random read IOPS performance, and are ideal for read caching, social media and web servers workloads.
HPE 12 Gb Value SAS RI SSDs transfer data at full duplex (bidirectional) allowing greater I/O bandwidth to alleviate bottlenecks at twice the 6 Gb interface of SATA SSDs. A single-ported version of enterprise 12 Gb SAS, HPE Value SAS RI SSDs provide slightly reduced performance in exchange for being price competitive to 6 Gb SATA SSDs.
HPE 12 Gb Value SAS RI SSDs are presented as an HPE Multi Vendor SKU offering which provides customers with the shortest lead time to available supply on preferably priced HPE Value SAS RI SSDs.
Do you need to accelerate the performance of your mixed use applications?
HPE 12 Gb Value SAS Mixed Use (MU) SSDs optimize your enterprise with faster data transfer rates and near price parity compared to 6 Gb SATA SSDs. HPE Value SAS MU SSDs deliver enterprise features at an affordable price for applications requiring a balanced mix of read and write performance, and are ideal for database, transactional applications and virtualization workloads.
HPE 12 Gb Value SAS MU SSDs transfer data at full duplex (bidirectional) allowing greater I/O bandwidth to alleviate bottlenecks at twice the 6 Gb interface of SATA SSDs. A single-ported version of enterprise 12 Gb SAS, HPE Value SAS MU SSDs provide slightly reduced performance in exchange for being price competitive to enterprise SATA SSDs.
HPE 12 Gb Value SAS SSDs are presented as an HPE Multi Vendor SKU offering which provides customers with the shortest lead time to available supply on preferably priced HPE Value SAS SSDs.
Do your read-intensive workloads need consistently high performance from a Solid State Drive with low latency and reduced power consumption?
HPE SATA M.2 Read Intensive (RI) Solid State Drives (SSDs) deliver enterprise features and performance at an affordable price for workloads high in reads such as boot/swap, web servers, and read caching. Hewlett Packard Enterprise SSDs are backed by over 3 million hours of testing and qualification in various environments, certifying reliable, high performing drives.1 HPE Digitally Signed Firmware prevents unauthorized access to your data by verifying that drive firmware comes from a trusted source. HPE SATA M.2 RI SSDs achieves higher Input/Output Per Second (IOPs) to enhance the performance of your data center, giving you faster access to data with excellent latency. With reduced power consumption, it provides improved IOPS/W versus rotating media and reduces datacenter cooling costs.
Get advice, answers, and solutions when you need them. For general questions, email us at hpestore.quote-request@hpe.com
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*All pricing displayed is indicative; the reseller sets the final transactional price and may include other fees such as sales tax/VAT and shipping. The transactional price set by the reseller may vary from other resellers and the indicative price displayed. Indicative pricing may include limited-time promotional offers. HPE reserves the right to make pricing adjustments at any time for reasons including, but not limited to, changing market conditions, product discontinuation, restricted product availability, promotion end of life, and errors in advertisements.
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