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HPE 1 Year Post Warranty Tech Care Essential DL580 Gen10 with OneView Service
HPE Tech Care Service is the operational support service for HPE hardware and software products (including on-premises and as-a-service versions). HPE Tech Care Service can help IT teams focus on moving the business forward by proactively searching for better ways to do things, as opposed to just focusing on reactive issues.
HPE Tech Care Service enables direct access to product-specific specialists and provides general technical guidance to help Customers not only reduce risk but also find ways to do things more efficiently. HPE Tech Care Service Customers can access support through multiple channels that include telephone, a real-time chat facility, automated incident logging, and HPE moderated forums with defined response times. Customers gain access to expert technical resources with specialized knowledge in hardware and/or software within the context of the specific workload and can help the Customer avoid spending time answering triage or entitlement questions.
HPE Tech Care Service goes beyond traditional support by offering General Technical Guidance for the operation, management, and security of the supported product.
In addition to traditional technical support, HPE Tech Care Service includes access to the HPE service portal, an enhanced and personalized digital experience that provides actionable data about HPE products, service cases and support contracts covered under the HPE Tech Care Service. Customers can more easily manage their assets by recognizing the various products installed in the Customer’s environment and how these products interact with each other. New self-service tools allow Customers to perform certain activities without having to open a support incident, as well as providing a portal of curated knowledge resources. HPE Tech Care Service provides access to HPE resources who will help drive operational excellence and performance optimization from edge to cloud.
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Maximieren Sie Ihr HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential Service
Phone access to experts
Customers may contact HPE support by telephone 24 hours a day 7 days per week to log support incidents. Response times will depend on the service level of the covered product.
For severity 1 incidents, HPE aims to either connect the Customer to a product specialist or call the Customer back within 15 minutes. For all other incidents, HPE may connect the Customer to a product specialist or call the Customer back within one hour.
Enhanced Phone Response: Remote response 24x7; service is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week including HPE holidays.
24x7 on-site coverage: 4-hour on-site response for covered hardware; service is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week including HPE holidays.
For all other incidents, HPE may connect the Customer to a product specialist or call the Customer back within one hour.
Expert online chat and Expert forum response
Expert online chat: Customers can initiate an online chat with a specialist technical resource to ask questions, get help, or general technical guidance. Expert online chat is provided so Customers can obtain quick answers to technical questions about their HPE product.
Expert online chat is limited to English language only, requires that the user be registered with HPE service portal and is available during the service coverage window. Availability may vary for certain products. Refer to for details or contact your local HPE Sales rep.
Expert forum response: Customers can post questions, issues, or discuss usage of products within the HPE community forums. HPE product specialists respond within two business days to any unsolved questions raised within the official HPE community forum for products covered by HPE Support services.
Where posts raise topics that should be addressed through standard support processes, HPE requests that a formal support incident is created and follows the standard HPE incident management processes.
The specialist technical resource response is limited to English language only and requires that the user be registered with HPE service portal and has registered service agreements.
General technical guidance
HPE endeavours to provide general technical guidance for Customer questions and enquiries specific to the topic areas outlined in the following regarding the operation and management of the Customer’s products covered by HPE Tech Care Service.
General technical guidance is available through the telephone, web, and chat communication channels and is subject to the service coverage window of the service agreement and will be treated as a noncritical incident.
When related to the topics detailed/described in the following, HPE identifies knowledge documents, videos, and knowledge base articles to assist with topics raised.
HPE Proprietary Service Tool assistance
For HPE products that are supported by HPE Proprietary Service Tools, HPE provides support and advice for their setup, configuration, and usage. Further for those connected products, HPE extends general technical guidance to include analytics and the events and recommendations provided.
For configured HPE products, on request, HPE assists Customers to understand the issues, events, and information provided by HPE Proprietary Service Tools.
Where analytics provide recommendations, HPE can provide qualification of the analysis, the recommendation, and the general next best actions in line with general technical guidance.
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* Alle angezeigten Preise sind Richtpreise, der Fachhändler legt den endgültigen Transaktionspreis fest und kann weitere Gebühren wie Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten berücksichtigen. Der vom Fachhändler festgelegte Transaktionspreis kann von dem anderer Fachhändler und dem angezeigten Richtpreis abweichen. Die Richtpreise können zeitlich begrenzte Sonderangebote enthalten. HPE behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit Preisanpassungen vorzunehmen, u. a. aufgrund von sich ändernden Marktbedingungen, der Einstellung von Produkten, eingeschränkter Produktverfügbarkeit, dem Ende der Lebensdauer von Werbeaktionen und Fehlern in der Werbung.
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