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HPE IMC Application Performance Manager (APM) Software offers a view to application availability, allowing administrators to visualize and measure the health of critical business applications and their impact on network performance. It is easy to determine which business process is affected and which application issues to prioritize—all leading to quick and effective troubleshooting.
Provides one user interface offering fault management, and performance monitoring of applications, servers, and databases. It works with IMC Service Health Manager to provide a global assessment of network health.
HPE IMC Remote Site Manager (RSM) Software is an HPE Intelligent Management Center (IMC) module that interacts with the hardware platform to deliver centralized management for branch networks regardless of their physical locations, presence of firewalls and Network Address Translations (NAT) devices.
In this model, IMC is deployed at the corporate headquarters and the IMC Remote Site Manager Software is deployed at branch networks, reducing the need for branch devices to support special protocols. IMC and IMC RSM communicate via either HTTP or HTTPS for higher security in your transmissions.
HPE IMC Service Health Manager (SHM) Software is an Intelligent Management Center (IMC) optional module providing end-to-end service monitoring and service through visualization of infrastructure or network variances in the service path. It leverages data derived from other IMC components to yield critical performance metrics and aggregates key performance indicators to generate key quality indicator metrics.
Key quality indicators (KQIs) provide a visual representation for network administrators on their defined services and take proactive measures to maintain service level agreements.
The HPE IMC Business Service Performance (BSP) Software is an Intelligent Management Center (IMC) module, targeted at support of data centers and large campuses, or remote sites that rely on centralized services. IMC BSP Software creates a holistic service health score dashboard for activity, health, availability and other factors for each individual customer-defined service.
This score uses data from the IMC platform, and optionally from SHM, APM and NTA modules to reflect the status of the application, servers, VMs, and network hardware that make up the service, giving a overall service view.
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*All pricing displayed is indicative; the reseller sets the final transactional price and may include other fees such as sales tax/VAT and shipping. The transactional price set by the reseller may vary from other resellers and the indicative price displayed. Indicative pricing may include limited-time promotional offers. HPE reserves the right to make pricing adjustments at any time for reasons including, but not limited to, changing market conditions, product discontinuation, restricted product availability, promotion end of life, and errors in advertisements.
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{"navigationCategory":["Software","Networking Software","Intelligent Management Software"],"productInfo":[{"productInfo":{"productID":"5272458","productName":"HPE IMC Application Performance Manager Software"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"5272468","productName":"HPE IMC Remote Site Manager Software"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"5272473","productName":"HPE IMC Service Health Manager Software"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"1008605455","productName":"HPE IMC Business Service Performance Software"}}]}