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Are you looking for a scalable, compute-dense solution for hybrid cloud or other data workloads in a virtualized and containerized environment?
The HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 server is a rack-optimized, 1U 2P solution that delivers exceptional compute performance, upgraded high-speed data transfer rate, and memory depth at 2P compute capability.
Powered by 4th and 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors with up to 64 cores, 8TB of memory, and 20 EDSFF drives as well as increased memory bandwidth and high-speed PCIe Gen5 I/O, the HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 server is a perfect solution for Electronic Design Automation (EDA), CAD, and VDI.
The HPE ProLiant 360 Gen11 server is engineered to optimize IT with a cloud operating experience, built-in security, and optimized performance for workloads to drive your business forward.
채팅 상담HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 servers are engineered for your hybrid world. ProLiant DL360 Gen11 servers are powered by 4th and 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® processors and simplify the way you control your business’s compute—from edge to cloud—with a cloud operating experience.
Read More {"title":"Intuitive Cloud Operating Experience: Simple, Self-service, and Automated","keyList":["HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 servers are engineered for your hybrid world. ProLiant DL360 Gen11 servers are powered by 4th and 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® processors and simplify the way you control your business’s compute—from edge to cloud—with a cloud operating experience.","Transform business operations and pivot your team from reactive to proactive with global visibility and insight through a self-service console.","Automate tasks for efficiency in deployment, instant scalability, and seamless, simplified support and lifecycle management to reduce and shorten maintenance windows.","Self-service automated experiences are engineered and built into all HPE ProLiant Gen11 servers, whether purchased as physical servers or consumed as-a-service using HPE GreenLake as your compute and storage demands grow.","Simplify and secure server management from edge to cloud with HPE Compute Ops Management. HPE Compute Ops Management is an as-a-service compute management experience that delivers greater simplicity, agility, and speed across your entire compute landscape, globally."]}Existing selections will be lost. Click OK to proceed further.
Intel, Intel Xeon, and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. All third-party marks are property of their respective owners.
Hardware RAID controller support in EDSFF storages available Q2 2024