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Are you looking for a one-stop solution for your Mesosphere environment?
Together, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Mesosphere have designed an efficient IT infrastructure powered by Mesosphere software running on HPE ProLiant and Cloudline Servers. Mesosphere Software from HPE simplifies building and running distributed applications at a very large enterprise scale and treats the entire data center as a single giant super computer. And you have the flexibility to tailor your solution to your individual needs with the freedom of choosing from the entire portfolio of certified and supported HPE ProLiant and Cloudline server families.
Single Point of Purchase Contact and Accountability
HPE is your single point of purchase for HPE Servers and Mesosphere DC/OS.
HPE is your single point of contact and accountability for both hardware and software.
Receive your subscription in as little as 24 hours.
Easy to Manage
Mesosphere Software from HPE simplifies container management for modern data centers using data center operating system (DC/OS) approach.
Enables the management of multiple machines as if they were a single computer.
Automates resource management, schedules process placement, facilitates inter-process communication, and simplifies the installation and management of distributed services.
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