認識 HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen11 - 經濟實惠的運算能力,專為小企業打造
Compute for everyone
Performance and security for growing businesses
HPE ProLiant 入門伺服器
配備最新 Intel Xeon-E 處理器的 HPE ProLiant DL20 Gen11 和 HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen11 伺服器極具彈性且經濟實惠,讓您的邊緣及中小企業如虎添翼。
HPE ProLiant Tower servers for SMB
HPE's wide range of affordable, efficient, and secure tower servers can simplify on-premises and hybrid cloud infrastructure.
HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2
on-premises or for hybrid cloud possibilities. It has the same compact form factor as the previous version and can be placed flat or vertically depending on your space. Intel® Xeon® E Processor and Intel® Pentium® Gold Processor Series build compute performance as well as security and remote management into the server with HPE iLO Silicon Root of Trust from HPE iLO. Along with other enhancements such as 4 x 1GbE onboard NICs and USB 3.2 Type-A Gen2, there is nothing micro about the HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2 server.">Are you a small office, home office, or small business with branch offices looking to build a customized solution for your office?
The HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2 server delivers an affordable compact yet powerful entry-level server that you can customize for on-premises or for hybrid cloud possibilities. It has the same compact form factor as the previous version and can be placed flat or vertically depending on your space. Intel® Xeon® E Processor and Intel® Pentium® Gold Processor Series build compute performance as well as security and remote management into the server with HPE iLO Silicon Root of Trust from HPE iLO. Along with other enhancements such as 4 x 1GbE onboard NICs and USB 3.2 Type-A Gen2, there is nothing micro about the HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2 server.
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 伺服器
您的伺服器瓶頸體現在哪些方面?儲存、運算還是擴充? HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 伺服器採用最新的安全性、效能與擴充性技術,並且有全面的保固作為後盾。憑藉業界最受信賴的運算平台實現標準化。HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 伺服器安全可靠的設計能夠降低成本及複雜性,搭載第 1 代和第 2 代 Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器系列,效能提升高達 60%1,核心數目增加 27%2,並支援 3.0 TB 的 HPE 2933 MT/秒 DDR4 SmartMemory。支援 12 Gb/秒 SAS,以及多達 20 個 NVMe 磁碟機,外加各種運算選購配件。適用於 HPE 產品的 Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體 100 系列可為資料庫和分析工作負載提供無可比擬的效能。可執行從最基本到關鍵業務應用程式在內的一切作業,並能夠安心部署。
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 伺服器
您是否需要高效擴充或更新 IT 基礎架構來推動業務發展? 緊湊的 1U HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 伺服器在可擴充性與密度方面達到完美平衡,更強勁的效能可以順應各種工作負載和環境。HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 伺服器專為極致多樣性與復原力而設計,同時擁有全方位保固為後盾,非常適合用於實體、虛擬或容器化 IT 基礎架構。HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 伺服器搭載第 3 代 Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器,可支援高達 40 個核心的處理器和 3200 MT/秒的記憶體,並在雙插槽區段中引入 PCIe Gen4 和 Intel Software Guard Extension (SGX) 支援,能夠為不惜一切代價追求高效能的客戶提供頂級的運算、記憶體、I/O 和安全性功能。
HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2
Are you a small office, home office, or small business with branch offices looking to build a customized solution for your office?
The HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2 server delivers an affordable compact yet powerful entry-level server that you can customize for on-premises or for hybrid cloud possibilities. It has the same compact form factor as the previous version and can be placed flat or vertically depending on your space. Intel® Xeon® E Processor and Intel® Pentium® Gold Processor Series build compute performance as well as security and remote management into the server with HPE iLO Silicon Root of Trust from HPE iLO. Along with other enhancements such as 4 x 1GbE onboard NICs and USB 3.2 Type-A Gen2, there is nothing micro about the HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2 server.
HPE MSA 1060 儲存裝置
您是否亟需一款以所剩無幾的預算就能負擔得起,又能夠支援快閃的現代化共用儲存陣列? HPE MSA 1060 儲存裝置給最注重價格的客戶帶來了經濟實惠的快閃儲存。HPE MSA 1060 儲存裝置專為滿足入門級儲存需求而設計,非常適合預算有限的客戶。在慧與儲存產品組合當中,HPE MSA 1060 儲存裝置是最經濟的入門級產品,更具備經過現場驗證的 HPE ProLiant 相容性,是小型 IT 工作負載的首選平台。HPE MSA 1060 儲存裝置具備 10G-BaseT、iSCSI、FC 及 SAS 主機介面連線能力,且只需前所未有的入門級價位。MSA 1060 讓使用者能夠充分利用最新的儲存技術,同時在效能和預算之間實現平衡。
*所有價格均為參考價格;最終交易價格取決於經銷商,可能含營業稅/增值稅及運費等其他費用。經銷商決定的交易價格未必與其他經銷商的價格及所示參考價格相同。參考價格可能含限時促銷優惠。HPE 保留隨時調價的權利,可行的調價原因包括但不限於市場現況出現變化、產品停產、產品數量有限/促銷期結束,以及廣告內容誤植。