HPE Alletra 6000
您的企業級儲存是否讓您整日忙於管理、調整基礎架構以及提供後勤支援,導致您的發展腳步停滯不前? 您是否希望轉為管理一個在任意位置使用各種應用程式都能夠獲得一致敏捷性、簡便性和雲端體驗的雲端? HPE Alletra 可以為您的所有應用程式提供雲端體驗,從而讓邊緣到核心的資料都能發揮應有的價值。HPE Alletra 6000 可以為關鍵業務工作負載提供快速、一致的效能和業界頂尖的資料效率。這款產品可以讓 IT 部門從擁有及維護資料基礎架構,轉變為簡單地隨需存取及使用資料基礎架構,從而獲得全面的即服務體驗。此平台還提供始終可用的資料服務功能,無需調整旋鈕或配置,即可獲享毫不妥協的效能與效率。透過智慧功能以及採用無單一故障點設計的平台,可保證提供高達 6 個 9 (99.9999%)1 的可用性,讓您享有極具復原力的儲存系統。透過快速的整合式應用程式感知備份與復原功能,在內部部署和雲端環境中同時滿足復原 SLA 的要求。
HPE Alletra 9000
Is your enterprise class storage holding you back because you are tied down administering, tuning, and supporting infrastructure? Are you looking to shift from managing disparate clouds to a cloud everywhere experience with the same agility, simplicity, and cloud consumption for every application?
HPE Alletra Storage 9000 is a edge-to-core portfolio designed to deliver the cloud experience wherever data lives. For mission-critical workloads, HPE Alletra Storage 9000 delivers extreme low-latency, reliability and maximum performance density in a 4U enclosure. It enables IT to shift from owning and maintaining data infrastructure to simply accessing and utilizing it on-demand and as-a-service. Built on a unique, massively parallel, multi-node, and all-active platform, HPE Alletra Storage 9000 consolidates traditional and next-generation mission-critical applications at scale with predictable performance and ultra-low latency, backed by a 100% availability guarantee.1
HPE Apollo 4200 Gen10 Plus System
Do you need the most capacity with uncompromising performance, security, and intelligence in a datacenter-friendly 2U rackmount server footprint?
The HPE Apollo 4200 Gen10 Plus System, like the other members of the HPE Apollo 4000 family, is specifically designed to unlock the business value of data stemming from digital transformation (DX) and data infrastructure modernization, at any scale, and with ideal economics. It is designed for both ends of the data-centric workload spectrum – from deeper data lakes and archives to performance-demanding machine learning (ML), data analytics, hyperconverged infrastructure, and cache-intensive workloads. The HPE Apollo 4200 Gen10 Plus System provides the data infrastructure foundation for any successful data-driven organization.
HPE GreenLake for File Storage MP
Are you looking for a unique modular storage platform for the next decade of machine intelligence? Do you want to accelerate your data-first modernization and be AI-ready and eliminate tiered data pipelines, infrastructure silos, inefficient scaling and scale-out limitations, complex management, and low productivity?
HPE GreenLake for File Storage MP offers enterprise performance at AI scale to accelerate the most data-intensive applications with a resilient architecture designed to scale to exabyte capacities; a simpler, intuitive cloud operational experience with radically simple file data management and rich data services; enhanced productivity of data scientists and line of business application owners with faster time to insights; and more value from all your data with a simple setup and a global namespace for collaboration for competitive advantage.
HPE Apollo 4200 Gen10 伺服器
您是否正在尋找一款超高密度且支援機架擴充的 2U 系統,希望藉此完美平衡資料儲存密集型工作負載的容量、效能和安全性需求? HPE Apollo 4200 Gen10 伺服器採用經過最佳化的架構,能滿足巨量資料分析、軟體定義的儲存、備份和封存,以及其他資料儲存密集型工作負載的需求。這款伺服器採用易於維修的獨特 2U 設計,支援多達 28 個 LFF 或 54 個 SFF 熱插拔磁碟機,能有效節省資料中心空間。這款伺服器配備更大頻寬、平衡架構、Intel® Xeon® 處理器和連接 NVMe 的固態硬碟,可輕鬆提供更優異的效能。從通過 FIPS 140-2 1 級驗證的儲存控制器一直到系統晶片級安全防護,HPE 韌體保護、惡意軟體偵測和韌體復原等創新技術均得到充分利用,可為裝置安全性提供強而有力的保障。藉助 HPE GreenLake Flex Capacity 和 HPE 租賃服務,您可以同時享有經濟實惠的消費型 IT 模式的敏捷性,以及內部部署的效能和安全性。
HPE Apollo 4510 Gen10 系統
您是否需要一款彈性且密集的儲存系統,以便滿足橫向擴充物件儲存、封存或資料分析解決方案的需求? HPE Apollo 4510 Gen10 系統可在適用於 HPE 標準 1075 公釐機架的 4U 尺寸下提供具有革命性的儲存密度。此系統可提供執行巨量資料解決方案 (例如,物件儲存、資料分析、深度封存或其他資料密集型工作負載) 所需的效能,同時讓您節省寶貴的資料中心機架空間。HPE Apollo 4510 Gen10 系統支援雙 Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器系列處理器、完整的 HPE ProLiant 管理工具堆疊,並提供廣泛的電源、控制器和網路介面選購配件讓您彈性配置。此系統可裝配多達 60 個大型 (LFF) SAS 或 SATA 磁碟機,提供充裕的擴充空間。此外,系統還支援 2 個熱插拔小型 (SFF) SAS、SATA 或 NVMe 磁碟機,以及 2 個內接式 M.2 NVMe 磁碟機做為開機、快取或裝載記錄檔之用。
HPE Alletra Storage Server 4140
Are you looking for server-based data infrastructure with bulk economic capacity and high throughput for data-driven initiatives? The HPE Alletra Storage Server 4140 is specifically designed to run the data storage-intensive workloads that demand economic capacity yet high throughput to power you data-driven initiatives to success. From the largest data lakes and general purpose S3 API compatible Software-Defined Object Storage down to single node converged data protection systems for fast backup and rapid recovery, it delivers the capabilities you need at ideal economics with trusted security and a cloud operating experience. This includes the option to consume as-a-service via HPE GreenLake, enabling you to shift from owning and maintaining to simply utilizing it. HPE Alletra Storage Server 4000 systems provide the data infrastructure for any successful data-driven organization.
HPE StoreOnce VSA
您是否正在尋求不受專用應用裝置限制但又具有次要儲存重複資料刪除效率的解決方案? 如果是,具備虛擬應用裝置彈性的 HPE StoreOnce VSA 便能滿足您的需求。在軟體定義次要儲存中,您將享有專用 StoreOnce 系統的所有功能和資料保護軟體相容性。此外,vSphere 和 Hyper-V 的可攜性和可用性功能還提供了更高的靈活性和彈性。能夠以 1 TB 為增量配置高達 500 TB 的可用容量。配備的授權伺服器可簡化大型或動態 StoreOnce VSA 部署的授權管理。Intelligent Federated Management 可透過單一主控台管理多個 StoreOnce VSA 執行個體,從而進一步簡化操作。StoreOnce Replication 和 Cloud Bank Storage 可讓您將資料備份移到站外,獲得多一層的保護,也可以移至低成本物件儲存服務,實現低成本長期保留。
HPE Primera 600 儲存裝置
您是否要在市場上推出新的關鍵業務應用程式,同時又要支援現有應用程式,以加快業務速度、提升敏捷性並加速創新? 您的傳統高端儲存是否讓您整日忙於管理、調整基礎架構以及提供後勤支援,導致您的發展腳步停滯不前? HPE Primera 透過完美結合自動化作業與極致彈性和效能,重新定義了關鍵業務儲存的潛力。HPE Primera 以雲端敏捷性為建置基礎,並由 HPE InfoSight 提供強大支援,不僅能夠在數分鐘內完成設定,還能夠進行透明化升級、以服務形式交付,實現資料的即時存取。此外,它還提供 100% 的可用性保證1。
HPE GreenLake Block Storage for AWS
HPE GreenLake Block Storage for AWS is a new software-defined storage solution that extends the enterprise-class capabilities of HPE GreenLake for Block Storage with Alletra MP to AWS. Delivered and managed via the HPE GreenLake platform, it lets you simplify operations and innovate faster with unified management, consistent data services and seamless data mobility across hybrid cloud.
*所有價格均為參考價格;最終交易價格取決於經銷商,可能含營業稅/增值稅及運費等其他費用。經銷商決定的交易價格未必與其他經銷商的價格及所示參考價格相同。參考價格可能含限時促銷優惠。HPE 保留隨時調價的權利,可行的調價原因包括但不限於市場現況出現變化、產品停產、產品數量有限/促銷期結束,以及廣告內容誤植。