HPE C 系列 SN8700C Director 交換器
Are you looking to modernize your storage area network?
Today’s mission-critical storage environments require greater consistency, predictability, and performance to keep pace with growing business demands. Faced with explosive data growth, data centers need more I/O capacity to accommodate the massive amounts of data, applications, and workloads.
The HPE Storage Director Switch C-series SN8700C is a director-class SAN switch designed for deployment in small to medium-sized storage networks to support enterprise clouds and business transformation. It layers a comprehensive set of intelligent features onto a high-performance, protocol-independent switch fabric.
The HPE Storage Director Switch C-series SN8700C enables enterprise clouds, transforms large storage area networks, lowers operating costs, and deploys Fibre Channel (FC) and IBM Fibre Connectivity (FICON) on a single fabric.
HPE C 系列 SN6630C 光纖通道交換器
您是否希望對儲存區域網路進行現代化改造? 全快閃資料中心和新興 NVMe 儲存需要現代化儲存網路,以便運用運算和儲存資源緊跟創新步伐。HPE C 系列 SN6630C 光纖通道交換器是新一代 96 埠雙機架裝置光纖通道 (FC) 交換器,可以在 SAN 中提供高速光纖通道連線。此交換器提供最先進的分析與遙測功能,這些功能均已內建於交換器的新一代特殊應用積體電路 (ASIC) 平台中。這款非揮發性快速記憶體 (NVMe) 就緒交換器允許隨時無縫轉換為光纖通道非揮發性快速記憶體 (FC-NVMe) 工作負載,無需對 SAN 進行任何硬體升級。這款高密度、高可靠性且可擴充的企業級交換器非常適合中大型部門 SAN 運作使用。
HPE Storage Switch M-series SN4700M
HPE Storage Switch M-series SN4700M is ideal for modern server and storage networks. Supporting up to 400GbE, it delivers predictable performance and zero packet loss at line-rate across all ports and packet sizes. Enhanced for storage combined with efficient design, it provides enterprise-level performance with attractive economics and outstanding return on investment. Networks built on the HPE Storage Switch M-series SN4700M are fast, reliable, and scalable while also being affordable and easy to manage. They support primary and secondary storage, providing consistently fair, fast, low-latency connectivity even under heavy workloads or a mix of different port speeds. This makes them ideal for storage, hyperconverged, financial services, and media and entertainment deployments.
HPE C 系列 SN6610C 光纖通道交換器
Are you looking for a high performance Fibre Channel switch for the modern storage area network?
The HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-series SN6610C delivers 32Gbps Fibre Channel (FC) switching providing high-speed FC connectivity from the server rack to the SAN core. It empowers midsize, enterprise, and large enterprises that are rapidly deploying cloud-scale applications using extremely dense virtualized servers, providing the dual benefits of greater bandwidth and consolidation. The switch offers state-of-art analytics and telemetry capability built into its ASIC platform. For increased flexibility, the HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-series SN6610C scales from 8 to 32-ports. Additionally, investing in this switch for the lower-speed (8 or 16 Gbps) server rack gives you the flexibility to upgrade to 32Gbps performance in the future.
HPE B 系列 SN6600B 光纖通道交換器
您是否正在努力滿足超大規模虛擬化、大型雲端基礎架構和不斷發展的快閃型儲存環境的 I/O 需求? HPE B 系列 SN6600B 光纖通道交換器是一款高效能、超密集、高度可擴充、易於使用的 NVMe 就緒企業級儲存網路交換器,可提供 Gen6 光纖通道 (FC) 功能。此交換器專為支援從小型到大型企業基礎架構的資料成長、要求嚴苛的工作負載和資料中心整合而設計。具備 32 Gb 至 128 Gb 的效能、客製化高連接埠密度以及整合的網路感應器,可加快資料存取,適應不斷變化的需求,進而促成永不中斷的業務營運。在高效的 1U 套件中配備 48 個 SFP+ 連接埠和 4 個 QSFP+ 連接埠,可從 24 個連接埠擴充至 64 個連接埠。此外,簡化的部署流程和點選使用者介面,讓 HPE B 系列 SN6600B 光纖通道交換器使用起來非常簡便。
HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-Series SN6710C
Are you looking for a high-performance Fibre Channel (FC) switch for the modern SAN? The HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-Series SN6710C delivers 64 or 32Gbps Fibre Channel switching providing high-speed FC connectivity from the server rack to the SAN core. It empowers midsize, enterprise, and large enterprises that are rapidly deploying cloud-scale applications using extremely dense virtualized servers, providing the dual benefits of greater bandwidth and consolidation. The switch offers state-of-the-art analytics and telemetry capability built into its ASIC platform. For increased flexibility, the HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-Series SN6710C is available with partially populated or fully populated ports with either 64Gb or 32Gb speeds. Additionally, investing in this switch for the lower-speed (32Gbps) server rack gives you the flexibility to upgrade to 64 Gbps performance in the future.
HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-Series SN6730C
Are you looking for a high-performance, low latency, Fibre Channel (FC) switch for the modern SAN? HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-Series SN6730C is a 96-port switch that delivers 32Gb/64Gb high-speed Fibre Channel connectivity from the server rack/storage rack as an edge or core switch. It empowers small, midsize, and large enterprises to rapidly deploy cloud-scale applications using extremely dense virtualized servers, providing greater bandwidth and consolidation benefits. The switch offers state-of-the-art analytics and telemetry capability built into its ASIC platform. For increased flexibility, the HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch C-Series SN6730C is available half-populated or fully populated with either 32Gb/64Gb transceivers or empty switch with 48 active ports with incremental 16 port licenses up to 96 ports.
HPE B 系列 SN3600B 光纖通道交換器
您是否正在努力滿足超大規模虛擬化、雲端或不斷發展的快閃型 SAN 的 I/O 需求? HPE B 系列 SN3600B 光纖通道交換器可在超密集 1U 尺寸中,支援從 8 埠擴充至多達 24 埠並提供 Gen6 32 Gb 光纖通道 (FC),就算預算有限也能負擔得起。此交換器可向後相容於 4、8 和 16 Gb FC,可替代 3 個代次的 FC,全力保障您的投資。此系列經過精心設計,有助於建置快閃就緒型基礎架構,專門因應業務應用程式的需求。需要更高輸送量和更低延遲的應用程式也可以善用 NVMe over FC 就緒支援。透過簡單的 3 步安裝程序實現 SAN 便捷部署,同時運用 HPE Smart SAN for HPE 3PAR 軟體自動部署 SAN 與 HPE 3PAR 全快閃儲存。一方面透過可以自動偵測及復原位元錯誤的前向錯誤更正 (FEC) 增強資料可靠性,另一方面,HPE Power Pack+ 軟體可高效維持 SAN 健全狀況。
HPE B 系列 SN6700B 光纖通道交換器
Are you struggling to meet the I/O demands of hyper-scale virtualization, large cloud infrastructures, and growing, NVMe storage environments?
The HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch B-series SN6700B is a high-performance, ultra-dense, highly scalable, and easy-to-use enterprise-class storage networking switch delivering Gen7 64Gb Fibre Channel (FC) capabilities. It is designed to support data growth, demanding workloads, and data center consolidation in small to large scale enterprise infrastructures. Delivering 64Gb performance, customized high port density, and integrated network sensors, it accelerates data access, adapts to evolving requirements, and drives 24x7 businesses. It can scale from 24 to 64 ports, all in an efficient 1U package. In addition, a simplified deployment process and a point-and-click user interface make the HPE Storage Fibre Channel Switch B-series SN6700B easy to use.
HPE B 系列 SN6750B 光纖通道交換器
您是否正在努力滿足超大規模虛擬化、大型雲端基礎架構和不斷發展的快閃型儲存環境的 I/O 需求? HPE B 系列 SN6750B 光纖通道交換器是一款超密集、高效能、高度可擴充的企業級儲存網路交換器,可提供 Gen7 64 Gb 光纖通道功能。這款交換器專為支援大型企業基礎架構的資料成長、要求嚴苛的工作負載和資料中心整合而設計。具備 64 Gb 的效能和高連接埠密度,可加快資料存取,適應不斷變化的需求,進而促成永不中斷的業務營運。利用隨需連接埠 (POD) 升級套件,可在 2U 機架中從 48 個連接埠擴充至 128 個連接埠,讓企業能夠在狹小空間中打造高度可擴充的網狀架構。此外,這款交換器的延遲比前一代減少了 50% 且不會過度訂閱,提升了 NVMe 儲存和高交易工作負載的效能。1
*所有價格均為參考價格;最終交易價格取決於經銷商,可能含營業稅/增值稅及運費等其他費用。經銷商決定的交易價格未必與其他經銷商的價格及所示參考價格相同。參考價格可能含限時促銷優惠。HPE 保留隨時調價的權利,可行的調價原因包括但不限於市場現況出現變化、產品停產、產品數量有限/促銷期結束,以及廣告內容誤植。