HPE 100GbE 16QSFP28 Power to Connector Airflow Half Width Switch SN2100M with NVIDIA Cumulus
How can you provide fast, reliable, and cost-effective connectivity in the data center with predictable performance and investment protection? HPE Storage Switch M-series SN2100M is ideal for modern server and storage networks. Supporting port speeds of 1, 10, 25, 40, 50, and 100GbE, delivering predictable performance and zero packet loss at line-rate across each port and packet size. Enhanced for storage combined with efficient design, it provides enterprise-level performance with attractive economics and outstanding ROI. Networks built on HPE Storage SN2100M are fast, reliable, and scalable while also being affordable and easy to manage. It supports primary and secondary storage, providing consistently fair, fast, and low-latency connectivity even under heavy workloads or a mix of different port speeds. This makes them ideal for storage, hyperconverged infrastructure, financial services, and media and entertainment deployments.
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