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HPE 480 GB, SATA, mixed use, solid state, small form factor drive in a Basic Carrier with a 3-year warranty
SKU # P40502-B21
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Chat with usHPE SATA Mixed Use Solid State Drives are ideal for big data analytics, cloud computing, active archiving, database applications, and data warehousing.
Show More {"title":"High Performance, Exceptional Reliability, and Efficiency for Faster Business Results","keyList":["HPE SATA Mixed Use Solid State Drives are ideal for big data analytics, cloud computing, active archiving, database applications, and data warehousing.","Achieve higher IOPS to enhance the performance of your data center.","Maintain data accuracy with full data-path error detection.","Choose from a broad portfolio of enhanced solutions in a wide variety of capacities."]}
1 HPE Internal lab testing. 3.35 million hour test quant is derived from a combination of drive qualification test plans, specifically HDDQ spec-supplier responsibility to perform, HDDQ spec-HPE responsibility to perform, RDT-Reliability Demonstration Test (RDT) spec, CSI integration test spec and pilot test requirements.