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Altair PBS Professional offers comprehensive workload management for high-performance computing, and cloud environments. The workload management suite allows high performance compute (HPC) users to simplify their environment while optimizing system utilization, boosting application performance, and improving return on investment (ROI) on hardware and software investments. Altair PBS Professional is the preferred solution for many of the largest, most complex clusters and supercomputers1 - and is the choice for smaller organizations needing HPC solutions that are easy to adopt and use.
Suitable for all HPC Systems from Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Altair PBS Professional is optimized so it can be used for all Hewlett Packard Enterprise high performance computing systems.
With Altair PBS Professional, it is easy to create intelligent policies to manage distributed, mixed-vendor computing assets as a single, unified system including support for processors and accelerators from Intel®, AMD®, Arm®, and NVIDIA®.
Functionality and Scalability
Altair PBS Professional is a fast, powerful workload manager designed to improve productivity, utilization, and efficiency, while simplifying administration for HPC clusters.
The software accelerates job execution and selects optimal job placement across diverse, broadly distributed resources.
Altair PBS Professional scales easily to millions of cores and can support 1,000,000+ jobs per day2.
Additional Features
Altair PBS Professional features enhanced security with EAL3+ certification and support for SELinux.
Includes Docker container support, cloud bursting, and parallel scheduling.
Integration with HPE Performance Cluster Manager cluster management software aims to drive highest system utilization levels.
Altair supports Hewlett Packard Enterprise customers through a network of global experts and our close business collaboration means users can expect high-value, seamless deployments.
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AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited. Docker is a trademark or registered trademark of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. NVIDIA is a trademark and/or registered trademark of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All third-party marks are property of their respective owners.
1 "Altair PBS Works™ Will Optimize Australia’s Fastest Supercomputer" August 2019 (https://blog.altair.com/altair-pbs-works-will-optimize-australias-fastest-supercomputer/)