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Do you need a data center infrastructure that can manage vast amounts of data, while lowering overall TCO?
IntelĀ® Optaneā¢ persistent memory for HPE is ideal for enterprise customers who need to consume and quickly manage vast amounts of data while running structured data management, analytics or virtualized workloads. Intel Optane persistent memory for HPE affordably expands memory capacity and adds low-latency access to persistent data, combining the best of memory and storage traits into one transformative product, while lowering overall TCO.
Intel Optane persistent memory for HPE brings massive data sets closer to the CPU for faster time to insight. It increases data center resiliency and takes database restart times from hours down to minutes or seconds. This allows access to use cases that were previously unavailable with traditional storage. Data can now be stored locally and accessed remotely to provide fast, high-capacity, immediate, consistent in-memory databases.
Get advice, answers, and solutions when you need them. For general questions, email us at hpestore.quote-request@hpe.com
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*All pricing displayed is indicative; the reseller sets the final transactional price and may include other fees such as sales tax/VAT and shipping. The transactional price set by the reseller may vary from other resellers and the indicative price displayed. Indicative pricing may include limited-time promotional offers. HPE reserves the right to make pricing adjustments at any time for reasons including, but not limited to, changing market conditions, product discontinuation, restricted product availability, promotion end of life, and errors in advertisements.
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