HPE NVMe 高效能混用型固態硬碟
Do you need to accelerate the performance of your mixed use applications?
HPE NVMe High Performance Mixed Use (MU) SSDs are best suited for high I/O applications that require a balanced performance between reads and writes to deliver high performance and endurance for data intensive applications. NVMe High Performance MU SSDs communicate directly to applications via the PCIe bus to boost I/O bandwidth and reduce latency.
HPE NVMe High Performance MU SSDs deliver high performance, lower latency data transfers from storage significantly faster than SAS or SATA SSDs. Utilizes the high bandwidth of PCIe Gen4 in select servers for mixed use workloads such as Big Data analytics, HPC and virtualization.
HPE SSDs are backed by up to 3.35 million hours of testing and qualification1 ensuring reliable, high performing drives. HPE Digitally Signed Firmware prevents unauthorized access to data by providing the assurance that drive firmware comes from a trusted source.
HPE SAS 混用型固態硬碟
Do you need to accelerate the performance of your mixed use applications?
HPE SAS Mixed Use (MU) Solid State Drives (SSDs) deliver high performance and endurance for applications requiring high read and write IOPS performance. HPE Enterprise SAS MU SSDs transfer data at full duplex (bidirectional) allowing greater I/O bandwidth to alleviate bottlenecks at quadruple the 6Gb interface of SATA drives.
HPE Enterprise SAS MU SSDs are best suited for mission-critical applications requiring a balanced mix of read and write I/O to deliver significantly faster data transfers from storage than SATA SSDs. HPE SAS MU SSDs are ideal for big data analytics, high performance compute and virtualization workloads.
SAS technology continues to be the interface of choice for many workloads for its reliability and 24x7 operation in the enterprise data center.
HPE SSDs are backed by over 3 million hours of testing and qualification1 ensuring reliable, high performing drives.
HPE SAS 讀取密集型固態硬碟
您是否需要提升讀取密集型應用程式的效能? HPE SAS 讀取密集型 (RI) 固態硬碟 (SSD) 為需要高讀取 IOPS 效能的應用程式提供經濟實惠的企業級功能。HPE 12 Gb 企業級 SAS RI 固態硬碟採用全雙工 (雙向) 方式傳輸資料,介面是 SATA 磁碟機 6 Gb 介面的兩倍,可以用更大 I/O 頻寬來緩解傳輸瓶頸。HPE 12 Gb SAS RI 固態硬碟最適合既需要高讀取 IOPS 又需要低延遲的關鍵業務企業應用程式。HPE 12 Gb 企業級 SAS RI 固態硬碟是讀取快取、社群媒體、Web 伺服器以及開機/交換工作負載的理想之選。SAS 技術憑藉可在企業資料中心內全年無休運作的出色可靠性,直到目前仍是許多工作負載的首選介面。HPE 固態硬碟經過 300 萬小時以上的測試與資格檢測才出廠1,可確保固態硬碟具有高可靠性與高效能。
HPE NVMe 高效能讀取密集型固態硬碟
Do you need to accelerate the performance of your read intensive applications?
HPE NVMe High Performance Read Intensive (RI) Solid State Drives (SSDs) are best suited for applications requiring a strong blend of high read IOPS, low latency and high endurance at a strong price point. NVMe SSDs communicate directly to applications via the PCIe bus to boost I/O bandwidth and reduce latency.
HPE NVMe High Performance RI SSDs provide high-performance data transfers from storage, at rates faster than SAS or SATA SSDs. Designed to utilize the high bandwidth of PCIe Gen3 and PCIe Gen4 in select servers for workloads high in reads such as read caching, web servers and boot/swap.
HPE SSDs are backed by up to 3.35 million hours of testing and qualification1 ensuring reliable, high performing drives. HPE Digitally Signed Firmware prevents unauthorized access to data by providing the assurance that drive firmware comes from a trusted source.
HPE SATA 混用型固態硬碟
您是否需要以经济实惠的方式加速性能并提供企业级功能? HPE SATA 混合用途 (MU) 固态硬盘 (SSD) 能够以实惠的价格提供企业级功能。HPE SATA MU 固态硬盘经过专门设计,可为需要平衡混合高随机读写 IOPS 性能的应用提供更出色的性能和耐用性,其中包括数据库、虚拟化、云计算和事务处理应用等。HPE 数字签名固件可保证驱动器固件来自可信源,从而有效防止数据遭到未经授权的访问。您还可以利用 HPE SmartSSD Wear Gauge 监控固态硬盘的使用寿命,便捷地确定哪些驱动器存在发生故障的风险。
HPE SATA 讀取密集型固態硬碟
Do you need to accelerate the performance and deliver enterprise features at an affordable price?
HPE SATA Read Intensive (RI) Solid State Drives (SSDs) deliver enterprise features at an affordable price. HPE SATA RI SSDs deliver great performance for workloads high in reads such as boot/swap, web servers, and read caching. HPE SSDs are backed by over 3.35 million hours of testing and qualification1 ensuring reliable, high performing drives. HPE Digitally Signed Firmware prevents unauthorized access to your data by providing the assurance that drive firmware comes from a trusted source. You can also monitor the lifespan of your SSD with HPE SmartSSD Wear Gauge to determine if any drives are at risk of failure.
*所有價格均為參考價格;最終交易價格取決於經銷商,可能含營業稅/增值稅及運費等其他費用。經銷商決定的交易價格未必與其他經銷商的價格及所示參考價格相同。參考價格可能含限時促銷優惠。HPE 保留隨時調價的權利,可行的調價原因包括但不限於市場現況出現變化、產品停產、產品數量有限/促銷期結束,以及廣告內容誤植。